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Idiopathic Scoliosis
Congenital Scoliosis
Adult Scoliosis
Cervical Kyphosis
Other Kyphosis
Ankylosing SpondyliticKyphosi
Cervical Spondylosis
Tuberculous Spondylitis
Atlanto-axial Subdislocation
Spinal Trauma
Spinal Tumor
Artificial Cervical Disc
Artificial Lumbar Disc
   Idiopathic Scoliosis>>Case 8 total 0 item case   

    Wen** was a 14-year-old male patient of AIS. Before the operation, the Cobb measuring of Main Thoracic Curve was 102˚. The Cobb measuring of thoracic kyphosis was 79˚.After two weeks of the anterior solution and skull traction with condyles of femur traction, the patient underwent the posterior orthopaedics fusion. In the postoperation assessment, the Cobb measuring of Main Thoracic Curve was 44˚ (the scoliosis rectification rate was 57%),and the Cobb measuring of thoracic kyphosis was 34˚ (the scoliosis rectification rate was 58%). The effect of the operation to rectify the deformity was satisfied.