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Idiopathic Scoliosis
Congenital Scoliosis
Adult Scoliosis
Cervical Kyphosis
Other Kyphosis
Ankylosing SpondyliticKyphosi
Cervical Spondylosis
Tuberculous Spondylitis
Atlanto-axial Subdislocation
Spinal Trauma
Spinal Tumor
Artificial Cervical Disc
Artificial Lumbar Disc
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       Ou xx,male, 46 years old, ,Ankylosing, spondylitis with kyphosis ,before operation ,the patient with complete spinal ankylosis,had a serious imbalance in the trunk sagittal plane and severely resticted field of vision and can¡¯t see the front ,thoracic severe oppression limited abdominal breathing,can¡¯t be lying,his life is very painful,ZhangHongqi professor of our section personally performed the operation of posterior L3 wedge osteotomy ,after operation the patient can face up to the front ,lifting the abdominal pressure,abdominal breathing improved,and the patient can be lying ,the patient are very satisfied with the curative effect,.this Ankylosing, spondylitis with kyphosis is one of the spinal deformities which are the most difficult to deal with ,wedge ¨Cshaped by the single segement  lumbar vertebral¡¯ is currently the world¡¯s most advanced treatment with the most precise orthopedic effect for this disease.Only a few large national hospital successfully carried out such operations.